Change book author name wordpress post

To set and change the name author of the post, you must have at least two authors associatedregistered with your blog. Select the posts that you would like to edit by checking the checkbox. Then go to the name section and edit your first, last, andor nicknames if needed. There are many different author bio plugins that you can use to add an author info section. Function referencethe author posts wordpress codex. At first sign in to your wordpress admin panel with admin username and password. I am trying to return the author meta author page link and avatar in the sidebar of a single post page outside of the post loop. In many cases you may be looking to remove author details in wordpress. If youre working with multiple authors on your wordpress site, there may be times when you wish to change the listed author of a particular post. If you want more info on the specific meta data tags to remove author and date from wordpress posts, you can hop over to the codex and read about the individual items theme authors may include. I have made a custom post type and need to be able to create posts and assign them to authors.

How do i change the author of a blog post in wordpress. You can change the author of an existing post in your wordpress website from your dashboard, under posts click on quick edit for the post whose author you would like to change and find the author section. You can also bulk change a whole bunch of posts or pages to a different author. Browse other questions tagged php mysql wordpress posts hook wordpress or ask your own question. In this post, i will introduce you to three different ways create an e book from your wordpress posts and pages. From the dropdown menu choose the new author and then click the update button to save the change. How to change the post author in wordpress websavers. Before we begin, lets take a quick look at the methods i will discuss today. You have chosen the author name but to accomplish this process, you have to update this post. How to change the author name of a published wordpress post. How to change the author of a post in wordpress hostpapa. And if you use wordpress users as public author cards again, common youll sometimes need to change who wordpress thinks the author of the post is. Sometimes you may need to display other author, then the person who added the post in wordpress.

In fact, you can change the author for several posts at once. Thankfully wordpress allows you to change who a post is published by. The title says it all, if you are in a situation where you want to change the author of a previously posted articlepage, watch this video to learn how. To change the name displayed on your posts, log into wordpress, and from the dashboard go to usersyour profile. To bulk update authors, click on the posts menu from your wordpress admin bar. Click on the update button and the author name for the post will get changed and your readers wouldnt see an old author. Changing the author url slug in wordpress is pretty easy. The default url for your author page provides an seo friendly structure, if you make the right changes in your permalinks section.

Displays the total number of posts an author has published. If you want to display more posts, then you need to click on the screen options. Do you want to change the author of post in wordpress. Click on screen options upper right of the page and ensure the author column is checkedvisible. Removing post author and date detail from dyad theme. Adding author info box in wordpress posts wordpress is the best website builder in the world because of the flexibility and customization options it offers. Looking at the optimizer page on wordpress, it seems to indicate that you can set the template to be fullwidth, which looks like you would be removing the sidebar in that case.

I am using a custom function see below to return the post id, but am not sure what function to call next. It is easy to do this with posts as you can go to the bulk edit screen and immediately change the author. Make sure you watch the video and if was helpful please give it a like by pressing the green button at the bottom. How to change the author of a wordpress post youtube.

Once you select a new author, make sure to click the update button to save your post with its new author. To check and see whether or not the changes we have made have actually been carried out, go to the posts screen as in the first step and select the new author name instead. Programatically change post author wordpress development. If you want to edit more than 20 at a time, you can change the number of posts that are displayed per screen in the screen options. How to change the author of a wordpress post compete themes. The field we want to change is author, but notice you can change categories, add tags, disable comments, change the post status, and much more. Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below. Log in to the dashboard and select posts from the left sidebar. In the posts list menu, hover over a post and click on the quick edit link that appears. Wordpress was created and is used primarily for blogging. From the dropdown menu choose the new author and then click the update post button to save the change.

There is the username, the nickname, the first name, and the last name. So, if you meet these stringent requirements, follow these steps to change the author of a post. For the author archive views generated by my shapespace starter theme, i needed a way to display author information outside of the loop. Navigate to the post page you want to change the author for. But as i have told you that you have already published a post from your profile, you must have to change the author name within mos. Wordpress development stack exchange is a question and answer site for wordpress developers and administrators.

There is an easier way to quickly change author for multiple wordpress posts at once. There are many reasons why you might want to change the author name of a blog post in wordpress. How to remove author and date information from your. If you want to add author name and date under post title in wordpress theme you have to edit your current theme from the editor or using the cpanel. Thanks so much here are the steps to change the author of your post or pages. This tutorial explains how to get the current post author outside of the wordpress loop. But doing this simple alteration isnt necessarily easy to find, especially if youre new to wordpress.

I thought id write this quick tip post because these wordpress bloggers may not even know how to change the publicly displayed author name. This will list all the posts on your wordpress site. How to an create ebook from wordpress post and pages. While the above method works great, you can actually change authors without even visiting the post. One of these pieces of information is author information. Click the post which author you would like to change and find the post author section.

Changing the author name displayed on your wordpress posts. Changing the author in the post editor first make sure the post author meta box is displayed by clicking screen options and making sure author is selected. The most common place to display one of these publicly is in the byline of each post just underneath the post title. How to show the author bio on wordpress blog posts the. Here i am going to describe you to change the author name of a post. Display the name instead of the username in wordpress posts. How to remove author and date info from your wordpress posts. How to add author name and date under post title in wordpress. Then scroll down to the author meta box and select the desired author from the dropdown menu.

I know this tip may be very obvious to some, but i keep seeing admin as the author name on many wordpress blogs. If you want to display the author name before the date then just rearrange the codes. Retrieve the url to the author page for the user with the id provided. Change post author if you have some posts that are still stuck with the admin user, but youd like to make yourself or someone else the author, heres how. While your business might be using wordpress, you will notice certain elements that appear on a page and dont need to be there. How to change the author of an article in wordpress silo. How to remove author details in wordpress slocum themes. You can change the author name in wordpress post by selecting any author you want. Its quick and easy to do so from the wordpress administration dashboard. Follow the steps below to change the author name on your older posts.

Retrieve the specified author s preferred display name. Displaying an author bio at the end of your wordpress blog posts is one way in which you can. Hover over the post you wish to amend and select quick edit. How to bulk edit the author of a multiple wordpress posts. How to change the author of a post in wordpress duration. You can do them one at a time or use the bulk actions for posts or pages and change multiple authors at the same time.

Mentioning career achievements, general background and anything that builds your authority with your visitors can boost shares and optin levels. If we have a website under wordpress in which several people write, surely on more than one occasion we have seen the need to change the author of an article. Choose the name you want to display from the display name publicly as dropdown menu and save your profile. In the screenshot above, you can see that the author has indeed been changed for all of the marked posts. Many times the default name appears as admin, which will never look good on your wordpress website. However, when i try to do this with my custom post type the author box is not there. Optimizer remove author and author profile picture from posts.

You also must have sufficient privileges to make such changes. Click on the no change menu adjacent to author and itll show you the options. Checking all the posts in the list that you wish to change and select edit under bulk actions. For the extra theme, for instance, if you want to remove the meta data from posts, you can go into single post. In this wordpress tutorial, you will discover how to change the url slug and url base for your author. How to change the author for wordpress posts quora. For a multi author website, its not uncommon to need to take over a post that was started by another person. Go to your wordpress admin panel, navigate to posts edit.

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